Across the rocky, dry wilds of the west, a man flees. A gunshot rings out over the land, and he falls. Crawling does not serve him, and his pursuer catches up and stops him with a hearty bootkick. Holding his stomach, the fallen man states that he will never sign the papers, but yet feels a unyielding spiciness running through his body. His pursuer, of foreboding bearing and topped in a black hat, says he has the antidote for the spiciness, a big jug of milk, but it can only be offered if the papers are signed. The victim cannot handle the spiciness inside him, and signs the papers to give over his papy’s lands. He is then given the milk.

Meanwhile, in a nearby town, a ponchoed man arrives by horse. After tying up his horse, he heads to the bartender, the only one around. He informs this bartender that he needs supplies, but finds the bartender incredibly hard of hearing, and very unhelpful.

On the outskirts of town, aptly named miner George Miner takes a small, well-deserved break. Right then, he receives a telegram from Mr. Janiak. In the letter, Mr. Janiak explains that Jesse “The Milkman” McRooney came and forced him to sign over his papy’s land, and that there was no doubt on “God’s good earth” he was coming for Miner’s land next. Much afraid, George Miner runs to town for help.

Arriving soon after, George announces the letter to barkeep and the mysterious new stranger. While the barkeep warns of the villainy of the Milkman, George holds fast, and declares he will sign nothing, and no one is going to build a railroad on his papy’s land if he can help it. With George Miner’s land, McRooney can finish his railroad. When the stranger asks why he is called the Milkman, the locals explain because only his milk can stop the “spiciness of his barrel,” that he shoots you with a habanero pepper, and then offers milk to get the spiciness to stop. The pleas of George Miner are heard, but the barkeep cannot help. George Miner shakily resolves to handle it all himself.

When George arrives back at his mine, he is surprised to find the Milkman is already there, and with papers to sign. When George Miner refuses, the Milkman teases him by drinking milk. “It’d be a shame if I drank all this milk and . . .you needed some,” he says. When George Miner still refuses, Milkman reaches for his gun.

“I wouldn’t do that if I were you,” says a stranger’s voice. All look to see the stranger from town has come! Milkman, annoyed, tells him to buzz off and not concern himself with the railroad. The stranger tells him he’s concerned with no railroad, but instead came to town on personal mission of his own.

Deep in the mind of the stranger, the past comes back alive, and he relives a sad moment from the his youth. The moment where Jessie The Milkman McRooney shot his habenero-farmer father and forced him to sign over his lands. Kicking the youth while he’s down, he stuck a habanero in his mouth, and then left him for dead.

Back out of the memory, the stranger and the Milkman fire two shots. The Milkman is struck and he stumbles. Weakly, he recognizes he was shot with one of his own peppers. He wants to know who this mysterious man is. Without words, the man reminds him of their previous meeting, all those years ago. Just after the Milkman remembers, he dies.

George Miner is forever grateful, and wants to give gold to his new friend. He reaches back into his mine to retrieve it, but when he turns around, he sees already that Clint is already far away, on his trusty steed, riding toward the horizon and adventures not yet taken.

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